My name is Liz and I have worked within the Deaf community in and around Yorkshire and Lancashire for the past 12 years and hold a level 3 qualification British Sign Language.
When I had my son I was keen to take him to Baby Sign as I have seen first-hand the amazing ability that young hearing children have to learn sign language to communicate with deaf parents. However soon after starting the classes I realised how social and fun they were for both myself and my son. He loved the use of Rhymes and songs, and they allowed me to easily use the signs at home during meal and play times.
The ability of my son to sign when he wanted ‘more milk’, when he was ‘tired’, when he had ‘finished’ was a huge benefit. Plus it was lovely that he could sign things he saw that interested him such as seeing a ‘tractor’ on a walk or spotting a ‘mouse’ in a book as it allowed me to focus on the things he found entertaining. It was not long before he was requesting specific songs through simple signs and even now at 2 years old he often uses Sign Language to emphasise what he is talking about as he is speaking.
Due to my experience and my background in Sign Language I was keen to bring some classes to the Skipton and Craven area and allow some other parents to experience the enjoyment of Baby Sign.
Please take a look at the Toddle Up and Sign Timetable to find a baby-sign class near you.